The designer's atelier in DUMBO, Brooklyn is another setting in the children's book Mabel the Fashion Muse. DUMBO stands for 'Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass' and was located a few miles from the designer's boutique. This is where Mabel performs her design duties as the designer's right-hand in the design process, an intern of sorts who just happens to be a dress form! The book, through Mabel's eyes, shows the young reader the behind the scenes look into how a designer creates her collection and how clothes are made. The quintessential urban neighborhood, between the looming Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges, is the perfect setting for our trusty dress form to showcase the "not so glamorous" life of a budding fashion designer.
The original Stacia New York design room, or atelier as the French say, was located in a spacious loft at 100 Water Street in Dumbo, Brooklyn.
A designer's work space includes many cutting tables where patterns are cut and rolls of fabric are stored. Racks of samples and patterns, as well as rows of industrial sewing machines and steam irons, line the space. This is where the magic happens!
The design room was always buzzing with sewing machines and included a dramatic view of the Twin Towers and the Brooklyn Bridge.