Shop Dog
The original Shop Dog was a Yorkie named Kona Kai, who passed away in 2006. Kona enjoyed nestling in a bed of fabric scraps in either the Smith Street boutique or DUMBO design studio, a true designer's dog. In 2012, Brooklyn was born and became the new shop dog for Stacia. Their resemblance is uncanny!
The new shop dog named Brooklyn was a fixture in the designer's Santa Monica, CA boutique. He enjoyed watching his owner, the designer, measure sweater samples in the design studio. Keeping a watchful eye that she is precise!
Brooklyn, now age 5, sometimes sleeps on the job!
One of the original hand-drawings of Mabel the dress form and her side-kick yorkie, Kona Kai. One of her design duties was to walk, I mean 'roll' the dog along the cobblestone streets of DUMBO.
The designer and her dog. Doodle drawing circa 1999.
Doodle drawing of the new shop dog, Brooklyn, for the children's book, Mabel the Fashion Muse.
Brooklyn, the shop dog, rough drawing for book.